Crop Scout and Dicamba Registrations

October 30, 2020

Crop Scout

After a week of rain and poor harvest conditions the weather looks to turn around over the next couple days. Toward the end of the week, many areas accumulated 1-2 inches depending on location. The October 26th Indiana Crop Progress Report suggested that corn was 62% harvested and soybeans were 82% state-wide. Crop quality reports have been very excellent in our area. Crop yields for both corn and beans have been extremely good. Some later planted crops have been experiencing lower yields, but seldom drastically lower.   The outlook for remaining harvest work looks very good for this week.

Dicamba Registrations

Dicamba has been reapproved by the EPA for over the top use in cotton and soybeans. This is following the Ninth Circuit Court’s ruling that vacated labels for three dicamba products this past summer. Engenia, Tavium, and Xtendimax have all been granted five-year registrations. This extension does come with some new regulations for all three products. It includes a nationwide June 30th cutoff date for all over the top applications of dicamba on soybeans. The required downwind buffers have increased from 110 feet to 240 feet and up to 310 feet in areas where endangered species are located. Applicators must use and document the use of pH buffering agents to reduce the volatility of dicamba products. The labels will require the same wind speeds, sprayer speeds, and time of day restrictions as the 2018 label. If you have any questions or would like some more information, click the linked some articles in the resources.



